Breathe Easy Knowing Your Team Is Protected

3M FF800

Workers in mining, heavy industry, construction and manufacturing face a range of hazardous and challenging conditions that make good PPE essential.

PPE that doesn’t fit properly or perform as expected can impact required worker safety and productivity. WHS managers need new and better ways to protect workers from the toxic vapours, gases and particulates they tackle in the field.


Issues arising from poor PPE performance

Tunnellers who lack confidence in their safety gear may cut corners, increasing the potential for exposure to hazards. Higher breathing resistance can impact comfort. That tempts construction workers to remove respirators, so they get some relief.


Miners take respirators off to communicate via a two-way radio. They risk inhaling hazardous dust and fumes. The respirator is too uncomfortable. Construction, oil or gas workers are more likely to adjust, move or take off their respirators, and wear time suffers.


Solutions for the hazardous workplace

The 3M™ FF-800 Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator with Secure Click™ filter connection solves many of the challenges of a hazardous work environment.



Dual flow gas and vapour cartridges double the filter intake surface area, lowering breathing resistance and offering far greater comfort for the wearer. The unique Secure Click cartridge/filter offers complete security. Workers simply align the connections and push until they hear the click. Workers trust the respirator is working properly, giving them confidence to operate in hazardous environments.


Workers with the right respiratory protection can breathe more easily, stay comfortable for longer and work to optimum capacity.





With the simple, one-touch button, it’s easy to conduct a user seal check, confirming the respirator is being worn properly. Workers with confidence in their respirator are likely to have higher morale and work more effectively.



The respirator’s speaking diaphragm improves the wearer’s ability to communicate important work and safety issues. Workers remain protected, while still being able to talk to co-workers.



Wearers can leave the respirator on while changing filters (provided this is done in a clean, hazard-free area).


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Premium product - safer, more productive work practices

According to Mark Reggers, Certified Occupational Hygienist at 3M’s Personal Safety Division, the FF-800 full face respirator maximises return on investment for large organisations.


“When you invest in safety and comfort, you also invest in the longer-term productivity and performance of your workplace. By prioritising worker safety, you protect your people while safeguarding your company’s reputation,” he says. “Good candidates are also increasingly hard to find. The premium protection offered by the FF-800, with its unique features, can help you attract and retain top talent in a competitive market.”


As Australia’s largest provider of industrial and safety equipment, Blackwoods has all your job requirements covered. Shop for 3M Secure Click respirators or our entire 3M range on our website.


3M Half Mask Respirator - HF-801SD - Black

3M - Filter - D8051 - A1 - UU009286772

3M - Filter - P3 - R - D3135 - 70071731262

3M Secure Click - Particulate Filter - D3125 - Pack of 2

3M D7925 Replacement Filter - P2 - Pack of 20 Pairs



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