What to Look for When Purchasing Counting Scales

When purchasing counting scales there are several items that will dictate the success and accuracy of the scale.
1. Does it weigh low enough for your smallest product?
Most good counting scales have an internal counting accuracy much higher than what you can see on the display. The larger division sized scales are used to show a stable reading to the operator. Look within the specifications of the scale for the minimum piece weight. If the specification is lower than the weight of your smallest item, then the scale should be capable.
2. Is it the correct physical size?
Look closely at the pan size, and make sure when purchasing a scale for larger items that the weighing pan is large enough to weigh the items you would like to count.
3. Value for money
Value for money normally is shown by how versatile an item is. Higher quality counting scales are easy to operate and have the low piece weights with large capacities. The higher the capacity the more versatile the scale is and more importantly, the loadcell is less susceptible to damage. National Weighing & Instruments have standard and customised counting scales available to suit any application.