How to Choose the Right Platform Scale

Commercial businesses require the use of scales in varying capacities for their operations, however the diversity in scale types can be confusing for customers who do not have any background knowledge of the weighing industry. Each type of scale has its own specific purpose, and it is important to choose a scale that is most suited to your business. Costs for these scales can vary quite widely, and some platform scales are designed for specific businesses or applications.
So how do you pick one that is right for you? There are a few factors to consider when looking for the right platform scale for your business.
What platform size do you need?
Knowing what application, the scale will be used for will help you determine the dimensions needed for your platform scale. For example, if you will be using the scale to measure small items, such as small batches of food ingredients or small manufacturing parts, a small platform will most likely suffice. On the other hand, if you need to weigh large pallets of goods, a larger platform size is a must.
What capacity and readability are required?
A high capacity scale, such as the Trudec PRM3000 platform scale that can take up to 3000kg is perfect if you need to weigh large and heavy items all the time. However, if you only need to weigh smaller goods, the SF-884 Benchtop platform scale with a capacity of 75kg might be more useful.
The other thing to consider is how precise you need your weighing measurement to be. Do you need to know the difference between 0.02 kg, or can you work with a division of 1kg? This will determine the readability you need in the platform scale.
What environment will the scale be in?
When it comes to the location of where your scale will be, there are two things to consider: firstly, how big is the space? You need to make sure that the platform scale you get will be able to fit in the space.
Secondly, is the environment wet or dry? If the scale needs to be kept and used in a wet or harsh environment, ensure that you get one that is made of stainless steel, as well as dust and waterproof. The TCS60 Platform Scale with complete stainless-steel housing and IP65 protection rating might be suitable.
Other features to consider when buying platform scales include the following:
- NMI approved, for trade use
- Rechargeable battery operation
- Data communication for connection to printers, PC, PLC etc
- Counting, target weighing, multiple weighing units, accumulative tare
- LED or LCD indicator display styles
What are the required features?
Most platform scales come with a list of standard features as well as some other advanced ones. Ensure that the model you choose has all the features you need that will help simplify your tasks and ensure your processes are more efficient.
Also consider the type of indicator that you need. Depending on your tasks, a simple, standard indicator may be good enough, or you may need a washdown indicator, or perhaps one that is approved for trade use.
One tip: always choose a platform scale that is bigger than your biggest object, and with a capacity that can handle your heaviest load.
National Weighing & Instruments specialises in a wide variety of industrial, laboratory and medical weighing solutions, in addition to customised software solutions for all weighing & non-weighing applications. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.