Hearing Loss Is 100% Preventable

The statistic is concerning: Federal Government research says one-in-six Australians has some level of hearing loss. While ageing plays its unavoidable role, there is another contributing factor whose impact can be reduced. That is, long term exposure to loud noise, a situation that can be particularly prevalent in some workplaces, including manufacturing, mining, and construction.
Workers may wear a variety of hearing protectors, but how well are they really protected?
To answer this correctly, we need to understand that the effectiveness of hearing protectors depends on how well fitted they are to each individual wearer. Research shows there can be tremendous variations in the amount of noise reduction (attenuation) that identical protectors provide. Two of the main reasons for this variation are: differences in training, and the proficiency of the wearer to properly insert the protector. This means it’s essential to Fit-Test each worker to ensure they have the best fitting work-specific protection for their environment.
3M™ applies a leading technological Fit-Test that uses a quantitative method of assessment: E-A-Rfit Dual Validation System. This enables the simultaneous testing of noise levels inside and outside both ears. An accurate measurement is recorded in just five seconds and is known as a Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR). Hearing protector ratings such as the sound level conversion (SLC80) are derived from measurements gathered in a carefully-controlled laboratory environment. These ratings are an accurate measurement of a hearing protector’s capabilities under the specific test conditions, but, they may not represent what an individual worker will achieve when the device is worn. PAR verifies the performance of HPDs without relying on laboratory-derived labels (SLC80 rating), which are intended for groups of employees rather than individual workers.
Hearing loss can dramatically affect your lifestyle and ability to work. Protect yourself. Noise induced hearing loss does happen, but it is also 100% preventable.