Blue Light: What is it and how can you protect yourself?

We know that the blue light from our TVs, computers and phones can have a negative effect on our sleep. But what are the additional risks associated with blue light, especially when exposure extends to working hours, and what can we do to prevent them?
We’ve heard about the effects of staring at our electronic devices for hours on end. The blue light emitted by these devices has an impact on our circadian rhythm and disrupts our natural wake and sleep cycle. These disruptions to our sleep cycle can have potentially devastating impacts on our general health and wellbeing.
It's not just at home where we are exposed to the dangers of blue light. On work sites, everyone from forklift drivers to packing operators to site managers can spend hours a day staring at screens or being exposed to concentrated indoor light. For these workers, the risks are just as severe, however, just putting down the screen is not an option.
The Risks Associated with Blue Light
Prolonged exposure to blue light can also cause eye strain, stinging eyes and headaches. Blue light or high-energy visible light (HEV) is also 15 times more harmful for the structures of the eye such as the crystalline lens and the retina than the other colours in the spectrum.
For situations where reducing screen time is not an option, such as on the job site, blue light blocking glasses can help provide protection.
Recent research from the University of Toledo has found that there is a potential link between blue light exposure and macular degeneration, as it becomes more widely accepted that blue light can harm our vision by damaging the eye’s retina.
More specifically, the risks associated with blue light have been shown to include:
- Aggravating age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
- Dazzle and visual discomfort (blurred vision).
- Strobe effect linked to the gradual fluctuating intensity of the light.
- Headaches.
How can we avoid this? In recent times, the recommendation from scientists has been to put down the phone and switch off the TV an hour or so before bed. This helps reduce the impact blue light has on our melatonin levels – the hormone which induces sleep.
For situations where reducing screen time is not an option, such as on the job site, blue light blocking glasses can help provide protection.
Glasses that Block Blue Light
So what if you work all day around high levels of blue light? During daylight blue light can help to boost attention, reaction times and mood. However, constant exposure could also be doing permanent damage to your eyes.
Working in environments with concentrated fluoro and LED light, or working in front of LED monitors, laptops and iPads all day can all increase the potential of the adverse short and long term health impacts from blue light.
As concerns rise about the true impact of blue light on our health, leading safety brands including Bolle and uvex have developed eyewear solutions to help protect against the harmful effects of blue light.
These eyewear solutions have been developed to reduce the strain on the eyes, both indoors and out, to help relax vision throughout the working day. They can also be worn in the privacy of your home in the hour or two before bed to help get a better night’s rest.
Bolle Safety
Bolle Safety has developed a range of innovative lens coatings to help protect from harmful indoor and outdoor light. The range includes ESP, an innovative coating to reduce dazzle and the harmful affects of blue light. ESP filters 57% of blue light, transmits 64% of visible light. Bolle's CSP technology has been developed to filter blue light (52%) and is combined with the exclusive PLATINUM® coating, to sustainably combat fogging and provide permanent visual comfort.
Browse the Bolle Safety range here.
uvex CBR65 and CBR75 lens technology delivers a relaxed field of vision, preventing the eyes from getting tired too quickly. These slightly tinted lenses reduce blue light by up to 50% (CBR65) and 40% (CBR75) at 450nm - the optimum level for demanding visual requirements under extremely bright artificial and natural light. This results in wearers being able to fully concentrate without the added eye strain, making them ideal for all-day wear.